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Fall Harvest Dish

Every year my sister asks me to make this for our Thanksgiving meal. It's easy, delicious, and beautiful. The sweetness of the butternut squash compliments the earthiness of the brussel sprouts perfectly, and the pomegranate seeds burst in your mouth giving the perfect amount of tartness. Not to mention butter...delicious, delicious butter...yum...!


1 butternut squash, cubed (or if you're lazy like me simply get the pre-cubed squash at the store)

1 lb of brussels sprouts, cubed (and discard the outer layer--they are bitter)

1/2 pomegranate

3 sprigs of rosemary, chopped/minced

2 garlic cloves, minced (if you don't have any garlic powder will do just fine!)

5 sprigs of sage--take one sprig of sage and chop it along with the rosemary, save the rest for later

olive oil

half a stick of salted butter


Preheat oven to 375 F

1. Spread the butternut squash, brussels sprouts, minced garlic, and chopped rosemary/sage on a cookie sheet and drizzle a bit of olive oil and mix it all together and spread evenly (you could do the mixing in a separate bowl if you'd like, but I'm all about using the least amount of dishes possible). And place in oven.

2. Bake for 25 min (or until you can put a toothpick in a squash cube easily). While it's baking, melt the butter in a small pan. Once it's melted fry remaining sage leaves in the butter. The butter will turn brown and become deliciously fragrant. The sage will turn a deeper, darker color green and become stiff.

3. Once veggies are fully cooked put it in a serving dish. Sprinkle the pomegranate seeds, and pour the butter and sage over the veggies. Mix everything together right before you start serving, then it's ready to eat!

This pairs great with turkey, chicken, and pork. It's savory and scrumptious!

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