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Diary Free Honey Pudding

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

This pudding is so delicious! You have so much freedom with it as well, want it less sweet? Add less honey. Want to make it for adults? Add a splash (or two..or three...) of your favorite booze. You can also add this pudding to your morning oatmeal to make it sweeter and creamy. So many possibilities! You can also substitute your favorite dairy free milk if you have an almond allergy.


3 cups of almond milk

1 cup of honey (this is all matter of how sweet you want it, less or more it's up to you!)

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or 1 whole vanilla bean if you have one!)

3 tablespoons of arrowroot flour (or cornstarch if you prefer)

3 egg yolks

pinch of salt

1. Pour 2 cups of almond milk into a medium sized saucepan on medium heat. Add your vanilla to the pot and bring to an almost to a boil. Add your honey and stir gently to allow the honey to dissolve into the milk and allow the vanilla to seep into the almond milk.

2. In a medium sized bowl, mix the remaining cup of almond milk, arrowroot flour, egg yolks, and the salt.

3. While mixing, pour the honey almond milk slowly so it doesn't get too hot too fast. Then pour everything back into the saucepan and place on the stove.

4. .Turn the heat up to medium high so it's just under a boil again and constantly mix slowly for 5-10 minutes. You'll notice the mixture becomes noticeably thicker. And I mean it, noticeably thicker. First few times I made this I took it off the heat too early.

5. Remove from heat and strain through a mesh sieve into a bowl and cover with plastic. Refrigerate until the pudding as set (although it tastes AMAZING like this--when it's still warm, not going to lie).

This pudding is delicious when you throw in a few berries. The tartness of the berries compliment the sweetness from the honey beautifully.

I adapted this recipe from Chelsea Monrow-Cassel's honey pudding recipe from her cookbook 'The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook." This cookbook is SO much fun and gorgeous! I recommend it wholeheartedly! You can find her recipe here:

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